Support system for private forest owners
Environmental Investment Centre (formerly Private Forest Centre), and
Government established foundation to support the development of national advisory system. Organizes informing and training of key persons of forest owners associations, forestry advisors and forest owners, manages the funding of forest owners associations and administrates the subsidies for private forest owners for sustainable forestry. EIC is government funded and carries out nationwide goals.
Forest Owners Associations
Local forestry associations that communicate with forest owners first hand. They provide information, know-how and practical solutions such as evaluating forest value, marking borders, organizing forest harvests, organizing sale of timber. Associations organize group counseling, many associations also contribute in educating school children, our future forest owners, in forestry related issues and activities. In forestry association a forestry consultant will make most of the contacts with the forest owners. Currently there is about 30 active associations. Forest Owner`s Associations are partially government funded. Financing is available through Environmental Investment Centre and is granted for specific activities. The trend is to increase the percentage of self-financing.